Southbound Lane of Colesville Road to Close for Purple Line Work

The right-hand lane of southbound Colesville Road will be closed between Second Avenue and East-West Highway beginning in mid-July for construction, according to an announcement from the Maryland Transit Administration.

The closure is expected to be a long-term one.

Other Purple Line-related work planned for this month includes:

  • Relocating utilities along Wayne Avenue between Fenton Street and Bradford Road
  • Surveying, tree clearing and utility work along Wayne Avenue between Fenton Street and Flower Avenue
  • Surveying, clearing trees and relocating utilities along Bonifant Street between the Silver Spring Transit Center and Fenton Street, and
  • Clearing trees along Springvale Road between Pershing Drive and Wayne Avenue.

Most of the work will take place between 7 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays; some weekend work is expected as well.

The Purple Line Transit Partners, which is responsible for the construction work, also plan temporary lane closures along Wayne, Bonifant and Springvale during the month.

Residents and businesses can sign up to receive construction updates for the areas of their choice online.

Graphic from Maryland Transit Administration.

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