Docs in Progress moving to a new home

Graphic from Docs in Progress.

Silver Spring-based Docs in Progress will move its headquarters at the end of the month, the group announced.

The non-profit, which supports documentary filmmakers and those who would like to be, will remain in downtown Silver Spring, moving from 8700 First Ave. to 801 Wayne Avenue, Suite G-100 (on the corner of Wayne and Cedar Street).

The move was forced by the recent sale of the First Avenue property, according to Executive Director Erica Ginsberg, who spoke briefly to the Silver Spring Arts & Entertainment District Advisory Committee.

The group will be in a similar-sized space that will be wheelchair accessible, unlike the house they currently occupy.

The move will force the organization to absorb about $15,000 in unanticipated expenses, including additional rent in order to stay in the house until the end of the year. A fundraising campaign is underway for these expenses.

The move should be completed by Jan. 1, 2017. Ginsberg had no information about what will happen with their soon-to-be-former home.

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