Skill Share event attracts more than 125 attendees

Photo by Mark Paster, courtesy Silver Spring Time Bank.

More than 125 people visited the Silver Spring Civic Building Sunday for the Silver Spring Time Bank Skill Share event.

Attendees heard speakers on topics such as living frugally, bike tune-ups, animal first aid, and traveling, among other topics.

The event also included “Ask the Expert” tables where interested people could learn about cooking, using power tools, party planning, bookbinding, making a bamboo walking stick and more.

“Our second annual Skill Share was a rousing success. The volunteers of the Silver Spring Time Bank did a terrific job giving talks and hosting expert tables on subjects ranging from animal first-aid to simple home repairs to dancing the tango” said Kathy Jentz, SSTB event team leader. “It is amazing to see what a wealth of knowledge and resources we have in the Silver Spring community.”

Here are a few photos from the event, courtesy SSTB and Mark Paster.


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