Food Startup Seeking Commercial Kitchen
Local food startup Take Your Thyme is looking for a commercial kitchen in the Silver Spring area. [sponsored]
Local food startup Take Your Thyme is looking for a commercial kitchen in the Silver Spring area. [sponsored]
Gov. Larry Hogan (R) announced $30 million in COVID-19 relief funding awarded to more than 90 music and entertainment venues around the state, including four in downtown Silver Spring. “These awards will save hundreds of jobs and help many of Maryland’s entertainment venues sustain their operations until they can safely and fully reopen,” the governor said.
Eater D.C. editor Gabe Hiatt recently declared Sergio Ristorante Italiano’s demise as the restaurant closing of 2020 that affected him the most.
The county will expand its annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service to a full week of virtual events beginning tomorrow, Jan. 16, through Jan. 24, according to an announcement.
The Takoma Park Farmers Market will host a pop-up with Washington, D.C.-based breakfast taco purveyors La Tejana this Sunday, according to an email from Main Street Takoma.
A Silver Spring man was sentenced to seven years and a day in federal prison in a case of armed robbery of a Takoma Park jewelry store in 2019. As part of a plea agreement, Ever Ramiro Torres Enriquez, age 25, will be under supervised release for three years following his prison term and was ordered to pay restitution of $174,967, the full amount of the victim’s loss.
Takoma Park City Manager Suzanne Ludlow has released a statement regarding safety in the city around the Presidential Inauguration.
Montgomery County Public Libraries will temporarily reduce their contactless pickup hours of service to 48 hours weekly beginning Sunday, Jan. 24, according to a press release.
The fast-casual restaurant Gusto Farm to Street has permanently closed its Downtown Silver Spring location, according to a post on its Facebook page.