Colesville Road to be Repaved with Improvements Added

Colesville Road (U.S. Route 29) will be resurfaced and have additional improvements installed from St. Andrews Way/Sligo Creek Parkway to just past Stewart Lane, according to an announcement from the State Highway Administration. The work, which is scheduled to begin this spring, will repair a surface marred by a WSSC water main project between St. Andrews and the Beltway. The project will continue north past the Shoppes of Burnt Mills, a total of about 3.6 miles.

E-Scooter Users Could Face New Restrictions Under Bill

Fans of electric scooters would face new restrictions on their use under the terms of a bill introduced this week by Council President Sidney Katz (D-District 3). Bill 8-20, Bicycles and E-Scooters—Operating Requirements and Registration, would create operating requirements for the use of low-speed electric scooters and is intended to reduce injuries, among other purposes.

County Executive Urges Public to be Inclusive in Climate Change Efforts

County Executive Marc Elrich urged community leaders and environmental activists to open their platforms to more diverse voices at the Feb. 27 Climate Action Plan Town Hall and Open House. “We’ve got to do a better job engaging low income and vulnerable communities,” Elrich said. “I look around this room, and I got to say this looks like every climate environmental group I have ever been in.”

Upcoming Events, March 7–13

Upcoming Events

Plenty of local bands will be playing this weekend, with groups at the American Legion and Takoma VFW on Friday night, and garage rock Saturday night at the Legion. Also on Saturday, explore the music of Led Zeppelin with a band at Levine Music, while Potter Violins hosts fiddler Mari Black. On Sunday, the Silver Spring Library hosts a discussion on the history of lynching in the county, and on Monday, the Silver Spring Citizens Advisory Board will get a update on local construction and transit proposals.

Proposed Montgomery County Metrobus Cuts Draw Major Pushback

WMATA government relations officer Charlie Scott, left, presents WMATA's proposed 2021 budget at a town hall in Silver Spring, Maryland, Monday, March 2, 2020, as Montgomery County Council members Evan Glass and Tom Hucker, right, look on. (Photo by Sean McGoey)

A crowd of Montgomery County residents voiced their opposition to proposed Metrobus route cuts Monday night, as the County Council’s Transportation Committee hosted a town hall in downtown Silver Spring to hear public comments on the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority’s planned operating budget for fiscal 2021.

New Theater Company Announced in Takoma Park

Two Takoma Park residents have launched a new nonprofit theater group and announced the inaugural production of the company. Co-directors Steve Quintilian and Julie Lloyd started Encore Theater Company and will produce “Next to Normal,” a Pulitzer Prize-winning musical as the group’s premier production.