Hoover-Fisher Florists to Move from Four Corners to Kensington

Hoover-Fisher Florist, a Four Corners mainstay since the 1960s, will move to a new location in Kensington in January, 2021, according to an email to customers. The family-owned retailer was founded in 1954 and later moved into a two-story addition to the Woodmoor Shopping Center at the intersection of Colesville Road and University Boulevard.

Water Main Break Disrupts Service, Closes Roads

An eight-inch water main has broken in the Northwood Park neighborhood of Four Corners, disrupting water service and closing down two roads. The break occurred around 9 a.m. this morning, according to Luis Maya, senior public communications specialist for WSSC, around 100 Southwood Ave. near Eastwood Avenue.

WSSC Work, Park Improvements to Affect Access to Two Four Corners Parks

The park entrance from University Boulevard, the lot and the ball field seen beyond, will close this month for improvement work. Photo by Mike Diegel. Improvements scheduled to begin this month will affect users’ access to two parks in the Four Corners area of Silver Spring, according to announcements from the county’s Parks Department. WSSC will be installing a new … Read More