County Minimum Wage Workers Get Pay Increase
The county’s minimum wage workers will start the new workweek with a three-tiered increase in the hourly rates that went into effect July 1.
The county’s minimum wage workers will start the new workweek with a three-tiered increase in the hourly rates that went into effect July 1.
The county’s Department of Transportation is collecting donated unused or extra bicycles in good condition to be distributed to residents who live or work in the county who have requested one.
Ride On and Metro are introducing night-time courtesy stop programs to help passengers feel more secure using the bus in late night hours, the agencies announced.
Local governments and agencies have announced closings and schedule changes for the federal Juneteenth holiday on Monday, June 19.
Gene Lynch Park in downtown Silver Spring will be officially dedicated in a ceremony Saturday afternoon, county officials announced.
Local government and agencies have released their closings and schedule changes for the Memorial Day holiday Monday, May 29.
Takoma Park will host a “Wellspring of Poetry” reading on June 1, city officials announced.
The County Council appointed Artie L. Harris Jr. as Planning Board chair and Josh Linden as commissioner, rounding out the five-person board at its Tuesday meeting.
The County Council yesterday voted to raise a tax rate in order to provide additional funding for Montgomery County Schools construction and capital projects, as well as increase funding for rental assistance.