Takoma Park Seeking EV Street Sweeper Names in “SweeperStakes” Contest
Calling all Boaty McBoatface fans — Takoma Park needs your help naming its new all-electric street sweeper vehicle.
Calling all Boaty McBoatface fans — Takoma Park needs your help naming its new all-electric street sweeper vehicle.
Downtown Silver Spring’s newest apartment building is set to be dedicated Thursday ahead of its opening later this year.
An update on the progress of the redevelopment of the Takoma Park Library and Community Center has been provided by city officials.
County Executive Marc Elrich, the Planning Department and the Montgomery County delegation to the House of Delegates are seeking applicants to be part of a new Development Review Process Workgroup, officials announced.
Montgomery County Government will host a free Career Fair & Hiring Expo at the Silver Spring Civic Building in May, officials announced.
The County Council has extended the deadline in the application process for two full, four-year terms on the Planning Board including for the board chair positions, officials announced.
The U.S. Postal Service will unveil Railroad Stations Forever stamps during a ceremony at the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Station in downtown Silver Spring on Saturday.
The County Council yesterday voted unanimously to reaffirm James Hedrick’s appointment to the Planning Board, overriding County Executive Marc Elrich’s recent decision to disapprove the appointment.
Gaithersburg-based Adventist Healthcare announced Monday on Twitter that the last patient with COVID-19 had been discharged from its Alternate Care Site in Takoma Park.