Asian American Health Initiative Seeking Applicants for Micro-Grants
The county’s Asian American Health Initiative announced the availability of community micro-grants through the recently formed Asian American Center of Excellence.
The county’s Asian American Health Initiative announced the availability of community micro-grants through the recently formed Asian American Center of Excellence.
A community meeting will be held Thursday evening by Takoma Park Police and Ward 3 City Councilmember Randy Gibson to discuss public safety issues in Ward 3, city officials announced.
Montgomery Parks has issued an alert to county dog owners, especially dog park frequenters, concerning the prevalence of canine flu (AKA dog flu) in the area.
The county’s Department of Transportation will increase service on 31 Ride On bus routes starting Sunday, Jan. 29, officials announced this week.
Several area jurisdictions and agencies have announced closings and schedule changes for the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday Monday, Jan.16.
The fourth phase of the county’s COVID-19 Rent Relief Program will close to new applications at midnight on Friday, Jan. 13, officials announced.
Parts of Wayne Ave. in downtown Silver Spring will close for up to 18 months as Purple Line construction resumes, officials announced.
Montgomery County Recreation fitness passes are now free for county residents.
The county’s Police Advisory Commission plans to hold a virtual public forum to address traffic enforcement by the county’s police department, officials announced.