New Contractor Chosen to Complete Purple Line

The Purple Line Transit Partners have chosen a new contractor to complete the 16-mile light rail system that will connect Bethesda and New Carrollton, passing through downtown Silver Spring. Maryland Transit Solutions, a partnership between Dragados USA Inc. and OHL USA Inc., is expected to begin full-scale construction on the line in the spring of 2022.

Planning Department Releases Study Recommending Ways to Strengthen Diverse Retailers

The county’s Planning Department has released a study that recommends a series of proposals that could strengthen diverse retailers in three areas. The Retail in Diverse Communities Study looked at three communities—Silver Spring, Takoma-Langley Crossroads, and Wheaton—where local businesses have faced recent challenges not only from the pandemic, but also from redevelopment (primarily Wheaton) and Purple Line construction.

New Purple Line Utility Work to Begin Monday in Silver Spring

Purple Line contractors plan to begin two additional utility relocation projects in Silver Spring on Monday, Dec. 21, weather permitting, according to the Maryland Transit Administration. The first involves relocating both underground and overhead utilities along a stretch of 16th Street. The project will start at Lyttonsville Road, just south of Second Avenue, and go to Spring Street.

County Board Approves Expanded Area for Downtown Planning Study

The Montgomery County Planning Board yesterday unanimously approved a Scope of Work for the Silver Spring Downtown Plan that adds portions of adjacent neighborhoods to the study area. The decision at the virtual meeting adopted staff boundary Option D, an expansion within a half-mile/ten-minute pedestrian “walkshed” from the future Silver Spring Library Purple Line Station.