County DOT Launches Flash Bus Rapid Transit Service

The county’s Department of Transportation launched a new bus rapid transit service yesterday with a media-only event that included County Executive Marc Elrich, Casey Anderson, chair of the Planning Board, and Council Vice President Tom Hucker (D-District 5). The BRT, known as Flash, will run in a 14-mile segment of U.S Route 29 from Burtonsville to the Silver Spring Transit Center, offering limited-stop service seven days a week.

Three Silver Spring Streets Added to Shared Streets Program

Three more Silver Spring streets have been designated as Shared Streets beginning today, Aug. 28 under the county Department of Transportation’s Temporary Neighborhood Greenways program. Shared Streets are intended to make designated roads friendlier to walkers, bicyclists and other non-vehicle users. The concept limits vehicular traffic to local traffic only, providing access to residents, service providers and deliveries as needed.

DOT Creates No Parking Zones to Facilitate Takeout Pick Ups

The county’s Department of Transportation has designated six temporary “No Parking” zones in downtown Silver Spring to make curbside pickup of takeout orders easier for local residents. In addition, the county has temporarily established free parking for residents in the Bonifant/Dixon garage at 1101 Bonifant St.

County, District Officials Kick Off 16th Street Upgrade Project

Officials from the District of Columbia were joined by Councilmembers Tom Hucker (D-District 5) and Evan Glass (D-At Large) on Saturday to kick off the 16th Street, NW Circle Traffic Signalization Upgrade Project. The project will be led by the District Department of Transportation and is designed to improve safety for all pedestrians, bicyclists and drivers.