Fryer’s Roadside Will Reopen Under New Owners Dec. 8

Fryer’s Roadside will reopen on Thursday, Dec. 8 with a new menu from Chef Edward Reavis and Jennifer Meltzer, the team behind All Set Restaurant & Bar and Money Muscle BBQ, who bought the Silver Spring-based fried chicken and ice-cream stand in September 2022.

Older Driver Safety Awareness Week: Advice for Safe Travels

Driving provides mobility and independence to older adults. However, driving requires dividing your attention between multiple activities and reacting quickly to situations that often arise without warning. As people age, we experience declines in vision, physical functioning and reflexes, and cognitive functioning. These changes negatively impact older adults’ driving abilities. These issues are compounded by age-related fragility, which makes seniors more likely to be injured or killed in a crash. According to the CDC, car crashes kill 20 and injure 540 seniors every day. [sponsored]