So Your Dog Wants a Yard…

Buying your first home is a very exciting time in your life and for your dog. But for now, let’s focus on you. Building equity through home ownership is without a doubt the way to go. [sponsored]

Residents Review Latest Options for $1.5 Million Park Project

Schematic of current park from Montgomery Parks presentation.* About 30 people attended a meeting Tuesday to review the latest options for a $1.5 million project to improve the Silver Spring Intermediate Neighborhood Park. The 3.6-acre park is on the site of the former Silver Spring Intermediate School. It is still owned by the school system, but is managed by Montgomery … Read More

County Executive Issues Call for Arts Awards Nominations

Graphic courtesy Arts & Humanities Council of Montgomery County County Executive Isaiah Leggett has issued his call for nominations for the 2018 County Executive’s Awards for Excellence in the Arts and Humanities. This is the 17th year for the awards, considered to be the most prestigious honors the county confers on “individual artists, scholars, organizations and cultural patrons.” The awards … Read More