Silver Spring Cares Superhero: Tim Abrahams

“I started mowing lawns in the downtown Silver Spring area off Dale Drive where I grew up at about age 12. Built the business up during high school and continued while at University of Maryland. After college I got a real job and hated it! So I started doing landscaping full time.”

Silver Spring Cares Superhero: Michelle Tebor

Silver Spring Cares Superhero: Michelle Tebor

“Silver Spring Creative Reuse is a community grassroots project. We collect unwanted art and office supplies and donate them to local teachers for educational and creative repurposing. We believe that teachers should not have to pay out of pocket for materials that already exist for free in our communities. By diverting these materials from the waste stream and into our classrooms we are reducing our environmental impact and teaching sustainability to the next generation.”

Silver Spring Cares Superhero: The Davis Family

“We want our children to be happy, yes. But more importantly, we want them to be kind. In many situations, we ask our kids, “What is the most important thing?” And they know the answer is “to be kind.” We want them to face the world with a kind heart.”