Test of Wireless Emergency Alert system scheduled for Thursday

Montgomery County graphic. Montgomery County is one of 20 jurisdictions in the region, including the City of Takoma Park, that will participate in a test of the national Wireless Emergency Alert system. The test will be conducted Thursday, April 5, between 10-11 a.m. At that time, WEA-enabled phones and other mobile devices will vibrate and produce a loud warning signal. … Read More

Local students stage walkout, march to Washington for gun control

Students head down Colesville Road for a march on Washginton. Several hundred Montgomery Blair High School students joined others from the area yesterday to march on Washington to demand new gun controls in the aftermath of the high school killings last week in Parkland, Fla. The students began gathering at 9:30 a.m. and walked down Colesville Road accompanied by a … Read More

Police asking residents to complete survey about department, crime and safety

Graphic from Wikimedia Commons The county’s police department is looking for residents to participate in a short survey about the department, neighborhood crime and public safety issues. According to the survey’s introductory statement, “Understanding community views of the police is important to ensure MCPD is operating with appropriate enforcement and social service responses, improving police-community relations, and enhancing the performance … Read More

County Council votes to approve FY18 budget savings plan

Photo from Pexels The County Council yesterday approved a resolution calling for $53.4 million in cuts to the FY18 operating budget and $9.3 million in cuts to the Capital Improvements Program. County Executive Isiah Leggett had proposed a FY18 savings plan that included $58.7 million in operating budget savings and $13.5 million in current revenue capital budget savings to reduce … Read More

Animal Services enforcing anti-cruelty regulation

Photo from Pexels The Animal Services Division of the county police is issuing reminders that the department is enforcing the Anti-Cruelty Conditions for Dogs regulation during the extreme cold weather the area is experiencing. The regulation prohibits leaving animals unattended outside, considering that doing so under current conditions is an act of cruelty. Section II-C of the regulation says that … Read More