Animal Services enforcing anti-cruelty regulation

Photo from Pexels The Animal Services Division of the county police is issuing reminders that the department is enforcing the Anti-Cruelty Conditions for Dogs regulation during the extreme cold weather the area is experiencing. The regulation prohibits leaving animals unattended outside, considering that doing so under current conditions is an act of cruelty. Section II-C of the regulation says that … Read More

Residents’ concerns about radio frequency emissions dominate meeting

Photo from Wikimedia Commons. Questions concerning the exposure residents would get from radio frequency emissions dominated a community meeting on small cell antennas held this week. County Executive Ike Leggett scheduled the meeting to get public input on a draft zoning text amendment to regulate the deployment of small cell antennas for wireless service in the county before sending legislation … Read More

Sidewalk project underway in East Silver Spring

Photo by Mike Mowery Work has begun to repair and replace sidewalks in East Silver Spring, a project expected to take about 9-10 weeks, depending on the weather. According to information distributed by county’s Department of Transportation, a contractor will replace deteriorated, damaged and misaligned curbs and gutters, and then restore disturbed areas with soil, grass seed and straw mulch. … Read More