Silver Branch Brewing to Mark Second Anniversary This Week

Silver Branch Brewing Company will mark its second anniversary with a five-day series of events beginning tomorrow, March 3, the Silver Spring brewery announced. The first event Wednesday will be the release of “a bigger and bolder version” of Sisyphus, the first beer the brewery released when it opened in 2019.

Pet of the Week: “…We get to spend our workday watching Ember sleep in all sorts of ridiculous positions.”

“Ember is a 2-month-old “Mosaic” Chinchilla. Chinchillas are crepuscular, most active during twilight hours, so we get to spend our workday watching Ember sleep in all sorts of ridiculous positions, but our favorite is when he cuddles with his best friend “Purple-Chin”. Chinchillas are social animals so once he’s old enough we’ll be bonding Ember to our older male chinchilla Ash. Chinchillas are the softest mammal on earth and can also jump up to 6 feet! When they get excited chinchillas will bounce all around their habitat and do parkour off of any walls or ledges available!”