County Releases Schedules for Presidents Day Holiday

The county has released the schedule of closings for the Presidents Day holiday on Monday, Feb. 17. All county and state offices, as well as county libraries, will be closed. Recreation centers, senior centers and the Recreation Department’s administrative offices will be closed, while aquatics facilities and programs will be open.

Ride On Bus Routes, Stops Affected by Purple Line Work

A number of Ride On bus routes and stops have been altered as of yesterday due to Purple Line construction. For example, several Ride On bus stops will be temporarily relocated along northbound Colesville Road (between Wayne Avenue and Georgia Avenue—look for the purple temporary shelters), on the second floor of the transit center, and on East-West Highway.

County Dedicates Protected Intersection, Completing Circuit of Bike Lanes

County officials dedicated the mid-Atlantic’s first “protected” intersection this morning at Spring and Second streets, marking the completion of a circuit of bike lanes around downtown Silver Spring. The “cycletrack” runs along Spring/Cedar streets, down Wayne Avenue and alongside Second Street, providing a direct connection to the Silver Spring Transit Center.

The Transit Challenge: What I Learned

A number of local officials accepted a challenge from the Action Committee for Transit to spend the week of June 10-17 using only public transit, or active modes of transportation such as biking, walking or scooters, to travel around the county. The Source asked one of those participants, Councilmember Hans Riemer (D-At Large), who lives in Takoma Park, what he thought of the experience, and here is his report.

Dejá Vu for Silver Spring Commuters as Fencing is Installed

Dejá Vu for Silver Spring Commuters as Fencing is Installed

It will be dejá vu for Silver Spring commuters headed for the Paul Sarbanes Transit Center as fencing is installed, cutting off some sidewalk access in preparation for Purple Line construction. Metro and bus riders will need to go around the perimeter, or access upper levels from Ramsey Avenue or Bonifant Street as construction will start this summer.

Residents, Advocates Attend Town Hall on Proposed Metro Improvements

About 100 residents, transit advocates and others attended a town hall in Silver Spring last night to hear about proposed budget and service changes for the Metro system from representatives of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. The meeting was organized by the County Council’s Transportation and Environment Committee, chaired by Councilmember Tom Hucker (D-District 5), who noted it was … Read More

New Lyttonsville Place Bridge Now Open

New Lyttonsville Place Bridge

The rebuilt Lyttonsville Place Bridge between Lyttonsville and Brookville roads has been opened by the Purple Line Transit Partners. For the time being, the span will carry one lane of traffic in each direction, along with an area for pedestrians. Later this year, PLTP crews will complete the bridge to include sidewalks, drop-off lanes and access to the planned Lyttonsville Station … Read More