Public Comments Due Soon on Proposed Regulation of Vacant Properties

Public comments due soon on proposed regulation of vacant properties

Proposed regulations would help deal with properties like this one, long abandoned on Silver Spring Avenue before demolition. Photo by Mike Mowery.  Public comments are due in three days for the Department of Housing and Community Affairs draft regulations to better address unmaintained vacant properties in the county. The proposed regulations follow the passage of a bill enacted in May … Read More

Rally Supporting Diversity, Inclusion Planned in Silver Spring

Graphic courtesy of Montgomery County. Montgomery County is sponsoring a Silver Spring rally titled “Stand Up for the Montgomery Way” Nov. 20 to reaffirm “the values of diversity, inclusion, and respect for all that have made Montgomery County special,” according to a flyer circulated by the Public Information Office. The rally will be held from 2:30-3:30 p.m. at Veteran’s Plaza … Read More