Walking Tour of Montgomery College TPSS Campus Planned

A  tour of the college’s Takoma Park/Silver Spring campus will look at future plans for the college. Graphic from Wikimedia Commons.

A group of Silver Spring residents is organizing a Community Walking Tour of Montgomery College’s Takoma Park/Silver Spring campus Saturday morning. 

Montgomery College has been conducting community conversations with its Takoma Park and Silver Spring neighbors concerning future renovation plans for its original campus. As part of that, the walking tour will help residents understand the campus’s current and proposed buildings from an on-the-ground perspective.

The tour will start at 9 a.m. at the Planetarium Entrance, Science South on Fenton Street. Walkers will view existing STEM facilities and hear about plans to upgrade the instructional spaces to best serve students and the surrounding neighborhoods. The buildings include Science North, Science South and the Math Pavilion and the tour will last about an hour.

An RSVP is preferred to cyn.rubenstein@gmail.com, but not required to participate.

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