Takoma Park Capital Bikeshare Station to be Temporarily Removed in October

The Capital Bikeshare station at Philadelphia & Maple Ave. in Takoma Park will be temporarily removed on October 5, officials announced.

The temporary removal of the station is part of the process of clearing the site for the Takoma Park Library and Computer Center’s reconstruction project. The library’s temporary location at 7505 New Hampshire Ave. will open in mid-October.

The Philadelphia & Maple Ave Capital Bikeshare Station (#32010) will be temporarily removed and placed into storage for the duration of the construction, according to the announcement.

Takoma Park and County staff identified a number of potential alternative locations, both near the Community Center and elsewhere, but none met the engineering, safety, or connectivity criteria for the Capital Bikeshare program, officials said.

The nearest alternative stations are at:

  • Maple & Ritchie Ave. (0.3 miles)
  • Carroll & Ethan Allen Ave. (0.4 miles)
  • Takoma Metro Station (0.6 miles)
  • Carroll & Westmoreland Ave. (0.7 miles)

Questions and concerns can be directed to the Takoma Park Planning Division by email at planning@takomaparkmd.gov, or by phone at (301) 891-7119.

Photo: © Andriy Blokhin – stock.adobe.com

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