Adventist HealthCare’s Alternate Care Site Discharges Final COVID-19 Patient

Gaithersburg-based Adventist Healthcare announced Monday on Twitter that the last patient with COVID-19 had been discharged from its Alternate Care Site in Takoma Park.

Takoma Park officials said last month that the former Washington Adventist Hospital site, which served as a COVID-19 alternate care facility, would be decommissioned by April 28. Inpatient admissions ended on February 20.

“The AHC Alt. Care Site in Takoma Park discharged its final patient last week,” Adventist HealthCare said. “Thank you to the team that cared for over 4,000 COVID-19 patients for nearly three [years]. We appreciate your hard work and dedication. We were honored to have served the community during this time of need.”

Washington Adventist Hospital, which had been part of the Takoma Park community for about 100 years, closed after the White Oak Medical Center opened in 2019. An urgent care facility opened in the hospital’s emergency department but was closed last September.

Adventist HealthCare opened a primary care facility in Takoma Park in January, as part of the hospital system’s relocation agreement with the city.

During the pandemic, Takoma Park was one of five sites in Maryland that were used for COVID-19 care, with more than 4,000 COVID-19 patients having been treated there since May 2020, according to a city press release.

“Adventist HealthCare has been grateful to extend its tradition of healing in Takoma Park,” the city said in a statement issued earlier this month. “As was the case before COVID-19, once the hospital is decommissioned, the health system will explore the best future use of the campus.”

Photo: Adventist HealthCare / Twitter

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