Takoma Park Minor Master Plan Public Hearing Set for Thursday

Residents have the opportunity to provide feedback on the Takoma Park Minor Master Plan Amendment during a County Council hearing on Thursday evening.

According to a press release, the proposed update to the city’s Minor Master Plan lays the foundation for a revitalized, connected, and resilient area of the city, stretching from the Takoma Park Community Center to the east, and including Washington Adventist University and the former Washington Adventist Hospital site.

The county’s Planning Board approved the draft version of the Minor Master Plan amendment during their weekly meeting last month.

“On behalf of the Planning Board, thank you to the Takoma Park community for its outstanding collaboration and extensive input that made this plan a reality,” Planning Board Chair Artie Harris said. “The community told us what it continues to love about Takoma Park while also expressing what would make their neighborhoods even more vibrant, affordable, and environmentally resilient. I am excited for a future Takoma Park that blends its historic charm with modern takes on housing, transportation, and community facilities as well as parks and open space.”

The red-lined version of the plan’s Public Hearing Draft is available for viewing online, as well as the Planning Board’s draft version. Following Thursday’s public hearing, the County Council and County Executive will assess the Minor Master Plan amendment for its final approval.

The Takoma Park Minor Master Plan Amendment revises sections of the 2000 Takoma Park Master Plan to reconsider the area of the city containing the Washington Adventist Hospital and University campuses, the Erie Center (located at the intersection of Flower Avenue and Erie Avenue), as well as multi-family properties, parks, and the Takoma Park Community Center along Maple and Lee avenues.

According to the county’s Planning Department, the plan represents a collaborative initiative between the Planning Department and Takoma Park, following extensive community involvement since 2021. The Planning Department utilized various approaches to engage residents, property owners, local government, institutions, small businesses, users of community facilities in the plan area, and stakeholders from outside the plan’s boundary.

The Planning Board, working together with Takoma Park, established the plan boundary, and it received approval on September 30, 2021.

In September of last year, the Planning Board hosted a public hearing on the plan and held six live-streamed work sessions throughout the fall to incorporate public input and comments from Planning Board members.

“Understanding the community’s needs guided the plan’s vision of reimagined, reconnected, and resilient neighborhoods in this section of the city,” said Montgomery Planning Director Jason Sartori. “The plan is the product of our great collaboration with residents, property owners, and the staff and Councilmembers of the City of Takoma Park that will guide the city’s growth over the next 10 to 20 years.”

The Takoma Park City Council approved Resolution 2023-38 with a 6-1 vote on December 13. The resolution covers various aspects including development scale on the Washington Adventist Hospital and University campuses, housing style diversity, school limitations at Piney Branch Elementary School, recommendations for changes to the city’s rent stabilization policy, and the inclusion of a housing resource list.

The next day, the Planning Board held Worksession #6 to review Takoma Park’s resolution in the Minor Master Plan and make changes.

Following the discussion, the Planning Board conducted two votes:

“The plan recommends flexible zoning to preserve and expand affordable housing and create more potential for commercial uses in higher-density areas to advance economic development and employment opportunities,” said project lead Melissa Williams. “The plan also envisions a new mixed-use future for the vacant Washington Adventist Hospital campus that allows for medical, educational, commercial, and residential uses with improved connectivity to make it easier to access amenities without a vehicle.”

The County Council’s public hearing is set for 7 p.m. Thursday at Takoma Park Middle School, located at 7611 Piney Branch Rd. in Takoma Park. Additional information and updates are available on the Montgomery Planning Takoma Park Minor Master Plan Amendment webpage.

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