County Council Greenlights Takoma Park Minor Master Plan Update

The County Council voted Tuesday to approve the Planning Board Draft of the Takoma Park Minor Master Plan Amendment with revisions (PDF).

The amendment updates portions of the 2000 Takoma Park Master Plan, envisioning a section including the Washington Adventist Hospital and University campuses, the Erie Center (located at the intersection of Flower Avenue and Erie Avenue), and properties along Maple Avenue.

A minor master plan modification, such as the Takoma Park Minor Master Plan Amendment, revisits a specific section of the approved and adopted master plan, reevaluating certain elements to address unforeseen changes when the original plan was approved, according to a press release.

Last December, the Takoma Park City Council voted 6-1 to approve a resolution supporting the Planning Board Draft, with the County Council holding a public hearing the following January. Following the public hearing, the Council’s Planning, Housing, and Parks (PHP) Committee met on January 29, February 5, and March 4 to review the plan and make recommendations to the full Council.

The committee recommended strengthening affordable housing preservation and mandating 15% of new units as Moderately-Priced Dwelling Units (MPDUs).

“As Takoma Park grows, we need to plan for its future together,” said Council Vice President Kate Stewart. “As we look to the future, we need to make sure people living here now can remain, and that they have the services and amenities they deserve. That is what we are accomplishing today by passing this minor master plan amendment. Since this process started four years ago while I was the Mayor in Takoma Park, I have been involved in this. Now, as the district Councilmember representing this area, I am happy to see this move forward. I appreciate the input from residents and the work of the Planning Board, our City Councilmembers and current Mayor, and my colleagues on the Council.”

More information can be found on the Planning Board resource page.

Takoma Park Graphic

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