Takoma Park Police and 7-Eleven Encourage Positive Behavior with ‘Operation Chill’

This summer, children in Takoma Park may receive a “ticket” from police officers, but it’s not what you might expect.

The Takoma Park Police Department is once again collaborating with 7-Eleven for the “Operation Chill” program, which allows officers to give out Slurpee drink coupons to children seen performing good deeds or displaying positive behavior. 

This year, 7-Eleven will distribute more than 550,000 coupons to more than 1,300 participating law enforcement agencies across the United States to foster better relationships between police and young people and reduce crime.

Since its inception in 1995, more than 24 million coupons have been handed out nationwide as part of “Operation Chill.”

“We know that every day—in ways large and small—connections are made in our stores and in the neighborhoods we serve. And it’s these positive connections that ultimately help create stronger, safer communities for all of us,” said Marissa Jarratt, executive vice president and chief marketing and sustainability officer at 7-Eleven. “We’re proud to have the opportunity to deepen our relationships with the law enforcement community while getting to know our neighbors even better through nearly three decades of Operation Chill.”

Children can earn these rewards for various actions that promote safety and kindness, such as wearing a helmet while biking, picking up trash, helping a neighbor, or holding doors open, according to 7-Eleven.

The coupons are great for officers who are on patrol in the community,” said Takoma Park Police spokesperson Cathy Plevy. It’s an icebreaker, a way to encourage dialogue in a non-threatening, non-law enforcement situation.”

Photo: © billtster – stock.adobe.com

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