Takoma Park city officials recently provided an update on the progress of the Library and Community Center renovations.
Work continues on the Library and Community Center Redevelopment Project despite the recent winter weather conditions. Much of the work has moved indoors and is minimally affected by the snow and ice, but some work continues outdoors.
The Maple Avenue bridge and building entrance have reopened for public access, and City staff met with Treincarnation to make final arrangements for crafting Library furniture from the trees felled from the site.
Stormwater utility work is progressing on the Philadelphia Avenue side; winter weather has impacted the schedule, but it is still moving forward, and crews are close to finishing the tie-in with the main sewer system. Bedrock remains a persistent challenge, but the work continues.
Substantial completion is currently scheduled for mid-May, at which point the Library and Recreation Department’s move back to 7500 Maple Avenue will be coordinated. The official reopening date has yet to be determined.
More information on the Takoma Park Library and Community Center renovation project is available at takomaparkmd.gov.